Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Age of AI


    Artificial Intelligence is a morally conflicting topic. Will it rapidly increase job productivity, or will it cost workers catastrophically? In my opinion, Artificial Intelligence should be used for speed or rapid transactions that would rather take the human hand significantly longer to complete. This includes personal identification records, financial management, and countless others. In today’s world of business, some processes may take extensive time for humans to complete, from sending or receiving data between stations or companies to storing that data for reference or use at a later notice.

    My belief is that humans aspire to do tasks as quick and easy as possible. Creating a system in which technology performs most or all tasks in replacement of human hands could be detrimental to many job positions. With the wish of total ease of access comes a strand of laziness or neglect for the job at hand.

    In addition to human versus robot jobs, artificial intelligence creates a new privacy and security risk. If a system is considered malicious, it can collect and spread personal data among other sources, which in turn leads to identity theft, unverified purchases, or security hazards for the person with leaked information. These sources of information include bank and credit card details, address, phone number, and connections.

    In my opinion, it would be beneficial to keep artificial intelligence partially incorporated into society without letting it run major systems or functionalities. Allowing this setup would benefit smaller companies who would need the assistance more than the large companies due to the connections or positions that can currently settle this line of work.

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