Thursday, April 29, 2021

Final Blog Post

    There is always a point where too much screen time becomes unhealthy. In my personal experience, my relationship with technology is relatively healthy. Typically, I can manage my time between gaming and schoolwork. On the other hand, there are also occurrences where I lose track of time and forget about my other responsibilities. In the long run, I frequently manage to complete the assignments that are required of me, somewhat coming in close on time. Since I am a Game and Interactive Media Design major, I do spend a significant amount of time in front of a computer screen. In all honesty, I do believe it takes up a significant portion of my day to day life.

    On another note, I believe technology and the internet to be valuable tools if used correctly. Unfortunately, the internet also provides countless amounts of false or uncredited information that can be misleading. Oftentimes, this information is disguised as credible information, but after delving deeper it turns out to be false. It is not necessarily technology that provides the misleading information, but rather the people using the technology for personal gain. For example, during political elections many opposing sides will spread false information via social media and the internet to sway potential supporters away from the opposing candidate. The internet can also provide truthful information in a way that can be accessed quickly which is useful if the information required is needed in a timely manner.

    I know several people who have both a positive and negative relationship to technology. In my opinion, the negative relationship usually consists of overindulgence in social media and the internet which can be time consuming and takes away from more important things such as schoolwork and time spent with family. On the contrary, the positive impacts I have noticed with close friends and family consist of a balance between social media, school, and time spent with family. A positive relationship does not technically mean limited screen time but finding the equilibrium between the two.

    In relation to future employment due to my online footprint, I believe I would be in the clear. I rarely use or post on social media, so my online footprint is very minimal. I know employers use social media to see what kind of person the applicant is and who they are outside the work environment. Since I never use social media, it would be hard to find any negative posts in relation to my online footprint. After Googling myself, everything I found was to be expected. I found a few articles online that show my wins as the captain of the bowling team at my high school. I also found my LinkedIn page that shows my customized for my previous occupation. To be fair, I am happy with what I found because it paints me as a hardworking and dedicated individual with varying experiences under his belt. I think potential employers who look at my online footprint will be pleasantly surprised at what they would find. 

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