Thursday, May 6, 2021

Amazon Kindle EOTO


    The Amazon Kindle was introduced as a revolutionary electronic book reader as a personal handheld library. The Kindle permitted books to be purchasable through the Internet, via the Amazon services, and viewable at any time through the tablet. This introduced an entire new avenue for electronic reading and allowed publishers to extend their reach and reduce printing costs.

    The first Kindle series was released in November 2007 and sold out within hours on Amazon's website. It was a convenient e-reader for the consumer, rather than carrying a multitude of books, the Kindle is a lightweight and portable way to read on the go.

    The success was so well received that Amazon launched a new version of the Kindle in 2009. The only changes that were made to the device consisted of a more visually appealing display of the keys and storage boost. Many attributes stayed the same such as the 6-inch E ink display. The new updates that really caught the eye of the public was that the Kindle two refreshed at a much faster piece than their previous tablet. The Kindle 2 was even more successful and shortly after became a household name. To keep up with the rising demand, Amazon released another Kindle three months after the release of the Kindle 2, in May 2009. The new Kindle was known as the Kindle DX, however after two years of being released the DX was discontinued from lack of demand for a “magazine reader”.

    In 2010, the Kindle Keyboard was released and was the first Kindle sold outside of the United States. The Kindle Keyboard was a huge hit in the United Kingdom and sold millions. The difference between the Kindle Keyboard and the previous Kindles was that it was more compact. The Kindle slowly evolved like other technology-based devices such as cellphones to be smaller and more compact to make traveling with them more efficient.

    In 2011, Amazon took a huge leap in the technological community and developed the Kindle Fire which adapted from clunky buttons to touch screen compatibility. This piqued the interest of many consumers since touch screens were becoming overwhelmingly popular. The changes allowed users to search the Kindle store for books and apps much faster than the previous Kindles and overall made consumers happier.

    Amazon released the Kindle Paperwhite in 2012 and made a huge advancement. The Paperwhite was designed to allow users the ability to read in the dark or direct sunlight. Now consumers could read outside, inside, in dark surroundings. After the Paperwhite was launched, a cheaper alternative was created to ensure a larger consumer demographic was able to get a hold of their product. In 2014, Amazon launched the Kindle 7 that only cost US$79, which provided an affordable variance for larger groups to buy and use their product in mass. The Kindle Voyage was also released in 2014 and provided the same amenities as the other Kindle launched in 2014 other than it offered a 3G option and a 300 PPI resolution.

    The Kindle Oasis was released in 2016, this version of the Kindle was completely remodeled to have a lighter and thinner frame which was not only perfect for traveling but catered those who traveled a lot and wanted a more convenient alternative to previous Kindles or hard copies of books. Two more versions of the Oasis were later released in 2017 and 2019. The idea remained similar but both options contained more storage, a better retina display and were more compact than before.


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