Monday, April 5, 2021

Eight Values of Expression

    As far as I can see in American society and culture, the majority of those living in the U.S take their patriotism very seriously. As a society, freedom of speech is probably one of our most valued expressions of freedoms. Though every U.S citizen has freedom of speech, there are some settings in which saying or acting in a certain way will have consequences. As Americans, we can do or say what we want so long as it does not directly cause harm to other individuals, but in professional environments, such as school or work, freedom of speech is hindered in certain circumstances. For example, there might be a dress code that is enforced in both work or private school environments requiring the patrons to wear proper apparel. These dress codes do not go against the Constitution since they are run by private administration. In environments that are deemed to be more professional, it is considered a social norm to dress professional as well. Freedom of expression is more than just being able to say what you want.

    There are many different forms of Individual Self-Fulfillment, yet many choose to express themselves based on their personal wardrobe. This type of self-expression leads many to feel more comfortable showcasing who they are as an individual rather than a group. Additionally, there have been several case studies conducted by Georgetown Behavioral Institute to observe how self-expression affects behavioral patterns. In these studies, it was clear that positive changes in both mood and personality occurred when an individual was allowed to express themselves, whether through clothes, art, or music. Self-Expression is important because it allows individuals to manifest their thoughts and feelings on the outside instead of holding them in. It is also a great way to communicate our emotions and thoughts that lay in our minds non-verbally toward others. Many feel pride when they dress a certain way this form of self expression is a birthright when in other places it is a luxury.

    Another prime example of self-expression is in artistic designs. Artists can illustrate a message or mental image through vivid designs. From there, observers can make their own interpretations of the composition that best express their personal emotions. Take into consideration Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night. The painting illuminates a dusk sky scene crossing the horizon of a small village. Some people may symbolize this scene as an ease into peace resting upon the civilians. In other words, art is the depiction of the one who creates or the one who evaluates.

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