Monday, March 22, 2021

Personal Top 5 News Sources

News networking over the centuries has significantly advanced to near instant transmission across the world from manual travel. Stations have increased in numbers to reach different audiences, typically in different nations or regions. However, public opinion and bias can skew the story accuracy, deeming it untrustworthy. These selected news networks work to prevent bias and give raw facts as they transpire.

1. ABC

ABC News is a chain station providing coverage in almost every state in the U.S.. News ranging from local to intercontinental, ABC provides accurate news stories in real time that relate to current statuses. This proves to be important when the public requires reliable information. ABC spreads across the nation and includes relevant local and global stories to their community.

2. PBS

PBS is one of the few news networks that is not influenced by bias from the conservative or liberal sides. Stories that are broadcasted show all sides to every issue and when quotes are taken from major politicians important context is also provided. When covering stories that relate to major politicians and controversial topics PBS takes into account that their audience contains individuals all along the political party spectrum and covers it as such.

3. NBC

Much like CBS, NBC’s audience is well politically balanced, many third parties rated NBC’s articles separately to properly clarify and reveal their credibility. On the majority of their articles, when cross referenced with other news networks, it was proved to be truthful and unbiased. This station introduces a concept for recording events for people to look back upon or archive.

4. CBS

Unlike most news networks in the United States, CBS’s audience is politically balanced meaning that their views are both conservatives and liberals. The political balance CBS established allows for both sides of all stories and coverage to be seen and uncensored. Censorship purposefully blocks out information that is needed but does not support a specific ideal. Luckily, CBS is known for not censoring certain information that would support the far left or right. The far left and right are not taken into account while CBS writes and produces news articles just the facts.

5. BBC

BBC is a good news source since it is a British news network that covers a majority of American stories. They are also a non biased news source since it remains uninfluenced by the United States Political disputes. In most cases news networks that are located outside of the United States are not affected by political propaganda and become a credible outside source for information.